About Institution

Welcome to the K.M. College of Pharmacy, a premier institution dedicated to educating and training the next generation of pharmaceutical professionals.   Established in 1981, our college has a rich history of excellence in pharmacy education. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing...

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  Chairman’s Message

Welcome to K.M. College of Pharmacy, a leading institution in the field of pharmacy education. As Chairman of K.M. College of Pharmacy, I am proud to say that our college has a long-standing reputation for excellence in pharmacy education. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to providing ...

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  Principal’s Message

Welcome to the K.M. College of Pharmacy, a premier institution for pharmacy education. As principal of K.M. College of Pharmacy, I am honoured to lead a college that is dedicated to providing students with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience they need to succeed in the pharmacy profess...

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  Rules and Regulations

In K.M. College of Pharmacy a set of rules and regulations that students are expected to follow in order to maintain a safe and productive learning environment. Some of these rules and regulations may include: Attendance: Students are required to attend classes regularly and maintain a minimum ...

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